Thursday, July 25, 2019

Heart Disease Prevention - How Does Sauna Link To Heart Health?

Besides being able to help relax and lessen stress levels, a sauna may also have other health benefits. For instance, increased circulation help reduce muscle soreness, improve joint movement, and ease arthritis pain. Relaxing in a hot sauna may affect the heart and blood vessels in a way similar to moderate exercise that may lower the risk of heart disease. Click the following link to find out more:

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Heart Disease Prevention - What Are Emerging Risk Factors Of Heart Disease?

In recent years, researchers have revealed links between a number of health and lifestyle issues and elevated risk of heart disease. Sleep quality, emotional problems, pregnancy complications, gum disease and chronic inflammation conditions are some of the issues found. Apparently, the general public is not aware of these emerging issues. Find out more at:

Sunday, July 07, 2019

Heart Disease Prevention - Can Napping Reduced Blood Pressure?

A good nap can get one out of the afternoon slump, recharge the energy and become more alert and in a better mood. Napping may help increase alertness, adjust attitude, improve memory and provide a creative mind, too. A recent research has also found that people who take a nap at midday were more likely to have… Click the following link to find out more:

Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Heart Disease Prevention -How Is Vitamin D Related To Hypertension and Heart Disease?

Getting sufficient Vitamin D is paramount because it is an important nutrient that handles several of the body’s metabolic actions. Since the mid-1980s, a growing number of researches has suggested that Vitamin D may play a role in blood pressure regulation and heart health. Click the following link to find out more: