Saturday, May 26, 2012

Are Parents’ Future Heart Disease Determined By Their Kid’s Health?

Children’s health condition could predict whether their parents would develop heart disease. This is what a new study has revealed!

Researchers from Jewish Hospital of Cincinnati reported on January 12, 2012 in the ‘Journal of Pediatrics’ that a 12-year-old child's weight, bad cholesterol or LDL (low-density lipoprotein) level and blood pressure could help predict the chances of his or her parent developing heart disease, high blood pressure or diabetes over the next 30 years.

Such risk factors as bad cholesterol level, triglycerides and high blood pressure would identify families where parents were at higher risk. In the United States, it is estimated that about 15 to 20 out of every 300 children might have high bad cholesterol level, which is believed to be linked to diet and lifestyle.

852 school students with an average age of 12 took part in the study. Their cholesterol level, blood pressure, triglycerides and weight were measured. 26 years later, they were re-assessed, together with their parents, who were then 66 years old, on average.

It was found that by the end of the study, a parent from 47 percent of the families had suffered a heart attack, stroke or required a procedure to clear blocked heart arteries, while a parent from 37 percent of the families had developed diabetes.

Overall, the findings showed that when the children had had high blood pressure at the age of 12, their parents were about twice as likely to suffer heart disease or stroke at the age of 60 or younger. Meanwhile, when the kids had had high levels of LDL or triglycerides, parents would have higher rick of getting cardiovascular disease at any age. The parents’ chances of getting diabetes or high blood pressure would also double if their children were overweight.

In another study conducted earlier by the same researchers, children’s health conditions were found to be able to predict their own risk of developing heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure by their late 30s.

The health authorities have already been aware of the seriousness. In November 2011, the United States Institute of Health suggested children should get their cholesterol checked between the ages of 9 and 11, and again between the ages of 17 and 21. Such recommendation was also endorsed by the ‘American Academy of Pediatrics’.

This somehow deviated from the traditional approach: screening cholesterol only in those at-risk children, for example, those with diabetes or a family history of early heart disease. Some health experts express their doubts on the new approach as they argue that there is so far no concrete evidence to suggest for such costly mass screening.


  1. we prevent the heart disease when we know the symptoms of heart disease .And there is a lots of way to prevent the heart diseases are take balanced diet,healthy living style,meditation ,regular excercise and many more.But if we know the symptoms of heart attack earlier then we prevent from heart attack at large extent.

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