Monday, May 12, 2014

Is Butter Coffee A Healthy Drink?

Being one of the most popular beverages in the world, coffee is a must-have drink for many especially in the morning. People who drink coffee believe that it will keep them aware because of the caffeine contained therein.

Experts have been debating over the health effect of coffee for quite some time. Mixed evidence has been received so far. The majority of recent research suggested that moderate consumption is benign or mildly good for healthy adults but the diterpenes in coffee might actually raise the risk of heart disease.

Lately, there is a so-called ‘bulletproof coffee’ or ‘butter coffee’ that promises to give people extra kick of energy. By adding a couple tablespoons of unsalted, grass-fed butter, together with a coconut-palm oil blend called MCT (medium chain triglycerides) into the coffee, one will have an extra energy and it will also help lose weight.

The addition of unsalted butter can produce a creamy version that enhances the taste of coffee and meanwhile remove any bitterness. However, such addition can produce certain amount of calories, depending on how much butter is added.

Bear in mind that butter is very high in saturated fat that can raise the risk of heart disease and stroke. So would this version of coffee make one lose weight or gain weight?

Inventor of butter coffee claims that butter from grass-fed cows supplies a ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids that is far healthier than those from conventionally raised livestock. Furthermore, MCT is a unique form of fat that require less energy and enzymes to be digested. Hence, “butter coffee” can boost one’s energy, promote weight loss and increase the brainpower.

While there is no scientific proof to back up such claim, there is some evidence that regular consumption of MCT can induce very mild fat loss over time and MCT might also help regulate cholesterol levels. Nevertheless, the types of coconut oils and sources from which people try to obtain MCTs often contain dangerous amounts of trans and saturated fats.

Because of its high calories (ranging from 100 to 300), “butter coffee” has to replace some food or another caloric drink, or else one would gain an extra weight of 10 to 30 pounds each year by drinking a cup a day.

So, for people who try to reduce calories or saturated fat, “butter coffee” might not be the brew for them. Otherwise, there is no harm trying it. Just aware of its extra calories and do not expect it will help lose weight or boost extra energy.

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